Task #260
openTask #258: Produce release-ready version of ScalES-PPM
Investigate wether the library contains symbols not conforming to the PPM-prefix requirement and fix violations
Start date:
Due date:
03/25/2011 (over 13 years late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
4:00 h
The result is yes, and it will need some work to fix, mostly in the hands of Thomas and Florian.
Updated by Thomas Jahns almost 14 years ago
The following symbols are in violation:
- procedure
initialize_irandcommit:6bed5ec69 module statisticscommit:9701bdc- solver_internal
- abort_unless_normal0
- abort_unless_normal1
- abort_unless_normal2
- abort_unless_normal3
- clear_halos
- config
- int2str
- mpi_real_dp
- stencil
ieee_is_normal_dpcommit:2e395f1ieee_is_normal_spcommit:2e395f1- solver_config
- apply_shifted_stencil
- apply_stencil
- get_lambda_min_max
- get_shift
- get_ssor_param
- init_solver
- reset_shift
- set_lambda_min_max
- set_shift
- set_ssor_param
- set_stencil
- stencil_defined
- linear_algebra
- arr_dotproduct1
- arr_dotproduct2
- arr_norm_2
- calc_abs_res
- calc_rel_res
- global_sum
- spectral_methods
- calc_lambda_max
- calc_lambda_min
- calc_lambda_min_max
- calc_optimal_sor_param
- jacobi_iter
- power_method
- solvers
- cg_method
- chebyshev_method
- precond_cg_method
- precond_chebyshev_method
- schwarz_method
- preconditioners
- icc
- icc_c
- icc_precond_shifted_stencil
- icc_precond_stencil
- icc_s
- icc_w
- identity
- ilu0
- ilu0_diag
- ilu0_precond_shifted_stencil
- ilu0_precond_stencil
- jacobi
- jacobi_diag
- jacobi_precond_shifted_stencil
- jacobi_precond_stencil
- micc
- micc_c
- micc_precond_shifted_stencil
- micc_precond_stencil
- precond_prepared
- prep_icc
- prep_ilu0
- prep_jacobi
- prep_micc
- ssor
- ssor_precond_shifted_stencil
- ssor_precond_stencil
- solver_all
- solve
IRandcommit:6bed5ec69aIRandcommit:6bed5ec69a_rand_icommit:6bed5ec69initIRand_fcommit:6bed5ec69irandcommit:6bed5ec69sprintExtcommit:918fcb83sprint_extcommit:918fcb83sprint_sextcommit:9815da9e71sprintSExtcommit:9815da9e71- ParMETIS_V3_PartKway_Wrapper
Updated by Thomas Jahns almost 14 years ago
- Subject changed from Investigate wether the library contains symbols not conforming to the PPM-prefix requirement to Investigate wether the library contains symbols not conforming to the PPM-prefix requirement and fix violations
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
- Estimated time changed from 2:00 h to 4:00 h